Student Outcome
  • -Able to read and understand workplace policies and procedures - Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Anti-Discrimination policies, and Food Safety.

Policies and Procedures

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    EEO/WHS Policies

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    Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is about making sure that workplaces are free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment. This means having workplace rules, policies, practices and behaviours that are fair and do not disadvantage people because they belong to particular groups.

    The 2 main policies are the Anti-Discrimination Act (policy) and Work Health and Safety (WHS) policies.

    The Anti-Discrimination Act uses the following terms:

    Discrimination Discrimination is when a person or group treats other people unfairly; based on race, gender, pregnancy, marital status, age, disability, religion, sexual preference, or some other characteristic specified under anti-discrimination or human rights legislation.
    Unlawful To be unlawful is to act against the law. This means you need to understand workplace policies and your rights and responsibilities.
    Rights vs Responsibilities Workers in every state and territory have rights that cannot be violated, including the right to a fair wage, safe working conditions and time off. Responsibilities are taking care of your own duties and answering for your own actions.
    Harassment Harassment is when someone is made to feel intimidated, insulted or humiliated. Another word for harassment is 'bullying'.
    Complaints vs Grievances A complaint is an official record of a grievance against another worker or the employer. A grievance is a problem that results in a complaint to the employer.

    Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policies protect the safety of everyone employed in a workplace.

    • Employers have the responsibility of providing a safe workplace.
    • Employees have the responsibility of following safety procedures.
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    Food Safety Policies

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    There are 2 parts in this section.

    1. The Glossary

    The glossary lists the more difficult words related to the topic in alphabetical order. The glossary also gives the meaning for each word.

    2. Look, Cover, Write, Check!

    This activity gives you practice at remembering and writing the words from the glossary.

  • The Glossary

  • Do It

    Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is about making sure that workplaces are free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment. This means having workplace rules, policies, practices and behaviours that are fair and do not disadvantage people because they belong to particular groups.

    The 3 policies addressed through the following activities are the Anti-Discrimination Act (policy), Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S policies) and Food Safety policies.

    Jump to Activities
  • Do It: EEO: Anti-Discrimination

    EEO policies include: the Anti-Discrimination Act of 1977 which outlawed discrimination based on race, sex, marital status, sexual preference, and/or intellectual impairment in the supply of goods and services. A functional workplace involves workers who understand their rights and responsibilities.

  • Do It: Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S)

  • Do It: Food Safety

    Food safety policies outline duty of care and effective food safety practices and procedures to be followed when harvesting, storing, handling and serving food to customers.

    Hospitality workers must receive training in Food Safety policies; they must understand procedures that need to be followed in food handling, health and safety.

Check It

Check It Quiz

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Policies and Procedures
  • Introduction
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  • Do It
  • Check It

Look, Cover, Write, Check!

Try to memorise the following word.
When you are ready, click the mouse in the textbox below and try to spell the word correctly.
  • discrimination
  • unlawful
  • equal access
  • rights
  • harassment
  • complaints
  • grievances
  • responsibility
  • gross misconduct
  • hazard
  • disadvantage
  • legislation
  • WHS

EEO: Anti-Discrimination

Click and drag to match the words and their meanings.
The unfair treatment of people based on race, gender, marital status, age, disability, religion, or sexual preference.
Taking care of your own duties and answering for your own actions.
An official record of a grievance against another worker or the employer.
When someone is made to feel intimated or insulted. This may also be called 'bullying'.
When you are given duties they become your...
When you call someone 'gay', you are...
Being unkind
Using discriminating language
Being friendly
A complaint is...
A problem
An official record of a grievance
Using discriminating language
Bullying is another word for:
Complete the crossword by using the Word List below. Click on a question to begin typing the answer.
Word List

Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S)

Jack is listening to his iPod while he backs up the forklift. He runs into his boss.
Jack is abusing:
A) A right
B) A responsibility
C) Both
D) Neither
A wet floor in the workplace could be a:
A) A problem
B) A solution
C) A hazard
D) Both A and B
Safety clothing is called:
A) Protective Equipment
B) Protection Suit
C) Personal Protective Equipment
D) Both A and B
Match the images to the words.
Hard Hat
Faulty Wiring
Broken Glass
Warning Sign
Warning Light

Food Safety

Match the picture to the text.
Wash Hands
Before, during and after preparing or handling food.
Head Covering
Wear either a chef's hat or hair net.
Cover Food
All prepared food must be covered and labelled.
Gloves Worn
During food handling and preparation.