Student Outcome
- -Able to understand problem gambling signage
- -Able to explain basic information about the probability (chance) of winning
Gaming Information
The resource contains materials relating to gambling.
Click on the Play button to start the introduction video.
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Problem Gambling
- lack of control over gambling behaviour
- difficulty limiting time spent gambling
- difficulty limiting money spent on gambling
- problem gambling impacts on family, friends and employment
What are the facts?
- Problem gamblers spend large amounts of money on gambling
- Problem gamblers often suffer health problems
- The actions of problem gamblers impacts on the lives of others
- Only about 15% of problem gamblers seek help
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Certain signs, notices and information must be displayed in gaming machine areas in hotels and clubs, for example:
- Contact cards
- Counselling notices
- Chances of winning notices
- Warning & problem gambling notices
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Words that describe how likely it is that something will happen
- Probable
- chance
- possible
- impossible
- certain
Points to remember about probability
- Events can be impossible, certain or possible
- Probability cannot be greater than 1 or less than 0
Say It
There are 2 parts in this section.
1. The GlossaryThe glossary lists the more difficult words related to the topic in alphabetical order. The glossary also gives the meaning for each word.
2. Look, Cover, Write, Check!This activity gives you practice at remembering and writing the words from the glossary.
The Glossary
Do It: Bars, Clubs & Casinos
Jump to ActivitiesDo It: Problem Gambling Signage
Do It: Winning & Probability
Check It
Check It QuizGambling Signage & Gambling ProbabilityClick on Gambling Signage & Gambling Probability to begin.
- Introduction
- Show Me
- Say It
- Do It
- Check It