Student Outcome
  • -Able to count coin and use a coin dispensing machine, run and balance cash and float and perform end of shift balance
  • -Able to identify language associated with gaming and wagering

Gaming Operations

The resource contains materials relating to gambling.

Click on the Play button to start the introduction video.

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    Gaming and Wagering

    Click on the Play button to start the video.

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    Hotels/clubs can have gaming areas and wagering areas.

    In some States and Territories you need to complete an RCG (Responsible Conduct of Gambling) to work in these areas.


    • Pokies
    • Keno
    • Bingo and lotteries


    • Races - Horses, Dogs, Harness
    • Sports betting - Boxing, cricket, football

    Keno is a computerised game that randomly generates numbers.

    TAB - messages from terminal

    • tips to selections
    • late mail - information about runners, riders or races
    • late or final scratchings
    • printouts for the race results

    The most popular bets are:

    • Win and place (Each Way) Select a runner to win and or be placed first, second or third.
    • Quinella :Select the first two runners across the line in any order.
    • Daily double: Select the two winners from two different races.
    • Trifecta: Select the first, second and third runners in the correct order.
    • Mystery Bet: Terminal chooses the runners for you based on what other customers have bet.
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    Cash Transactions

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    Handing Cash Procedures

    • 1. Enter the price of each item into the register or use the pre-set key or item code.
    • 2. Sub-total the sale and tell the customer the total amount.
    • 3. Call the amount of money given by the customer.
    • 4. Place the money given on the register (not in the drawer yet).
    • 5. Ring up the amount given on the Cash Total Button.
    • 6. Make up the change and count it back to the customer.
    • 7. Place the amount into the cash drawer.
    • 8. Close the cash drawer.
    • 9. Hand the receipt to the customer.

    Each establishment can have different procedures for handing cash.

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    Opening of a Shift

    Click on the Play button to start the video.

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    Opening a Shift

    • Organising and preparing the float
    • Notes and coins of different values are described as denominations of cash
    • Notes = 5 denominations: $100.00, $50.00, $20.00, $10.00 and $5.00
    • Coins = 6 denominations: $2 $1 50c 20c 10c 5c
    • A float is a set amount of money made up of coins and notes
    • The quantity of notes and coins needed in a cash float varies between workplaces
    • It is important to always count the float before you start your shift
    • When counting the float you need to use this method:
      • To work out the amount for Notes:Amount = Notes x Number
      • To work out the amount for Coins:Amount = Coins x Number
    • In some establishments you will need to fill out a cash float record sheet when you count your float at the beginning of your shift.
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    Closing a Payment Point

    Click on the Play button to start the video.

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    Procedure to follow when Balancing the Register

    • Remove all cash and non-cash transactions from the register/terminal
    • Separate the float from the rest of the cash in the register
    • Count the cash and calculate the non-cash receipts accurately
    • Record the register takings on a counting sheet
    • Check the balance between the register and the counting sheet.
  • Say It

    There are 2 parts in this section.

    1. The Glossary

    The glossary lists the more difficult words related to the topic in alphabetical order. The glossary also gives the meaning for each word.

    2. Look, Cover, Write, Check!

    This activity gives you practice at remembering and writing the words from the glossary.

  • The Glossary

  • Do It: Gaming and Wagering Areas

    Jump to Activities
  • Do It: Gaming/Wagering Areas

  • Do It: Cash Transactions

    Cash Procedures

    • 1. Enter the price of each item into the register or use the pre-set key or item code.
    • 2. Sub-total the sale and tell the customer the total amount.
    • 3. Call the amount of money given by the customer.
    • 4. Place the money given on the register (not in the drawer yet).
    • 5. Ring up the amount given on the Cash Total Button.
    • 6. Make up the change and count it back to the customer.
    • 7. Place the amount into the cash drawer.
    • 8. Close the cash drawer.
    • 9. Hand the receipt to the customer.

    Each establishment can have different procedures for handing cash.

  • Do It: Opening a Shift

    A float is a set amount of money made up in a range of denominations of coins & notes put in the register for the start of the day or your shift.

    Each workplace can have a different procedure for organising & preparing the float.

  • Do It: Balancing the Register

    Procedure to follow when Balancing the Register:

    • 1. Remove all cash and non-cash transactions from the register/terminal
    • 2. Separate the float from the rest of the cash in the register
    • 3. Count the cash and calculate the non-cash receipts accurately
    • 4. Record the store takings on to a counting sheet
    • 5. Check the balance between the register and the counting sheet.

    Remember! Each establishment can have a different procedure for handling cash at the end of the shift.

Check It

Check It Quiz

Click on Gaming Operations to begin.

Additional Resources:
Open Calculator

Gaming Operations
  • Introduction
  • Show Me
  • Say It
  • Do It
  • Check It

Look, Cover, Write, Check!

Try to memorise the following word.
When you are ready, click the mouse in the textbox below and try to spell the word correctly.
  • cash float
  • denomination
  • shift
  • register
  • reconciliation
  • wager
  • scratching
  • bet
  • establishment
  • patron
  • terminal
  • TAB
  • quinella
  • trifecta
  • keno
  • gaming
  • placing
  • random
  • transaction
  • point of sale
  • cashier

Gaming/Wagering Areas

Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) is a requirement in most states for employees working in gaming areas.
Betting can also be called winning.
When working in a TAB outlet you will need to read the messages from the TAB machine.
Drag and drop the meanings to the types of bets.
Select the first two runners across the line in any order
Select the runners that will finish in the top three placings in the correct order
Select the runner that will finish 1st in the race
Drag and drop to the correct boxes.
Poker Machine
Races - Horses, Dogs, Harness
Sports Betting - Boxing, cricket, football
Gaming Wagering

Cash Transactions

Drag and drop to complete the cash transaction procedure.
3. Call the amount of money given by the customer.
5. Ring up the amount given on the Cash Total Button.
7. Place the amount given into the cash drawer.
Enter each items price into the register or use the pre-set item code.
Sub-total the sale and tell the customer the total amount.
Place the money given on the register (not in the drawer yet).
Make up the change and count it back to the customer.
Close the cash drawer.
Hand the receipt to the customer.
Drag the notes and coins to their matching labels.
Drag the notes and coins into the box to make up the correct amount.
Drag the notes and coins into the box to make up the correct amount.
Drag the notes and coins into the box to make up the correct amount.
Drag the notes and coins into the box to make up the correct amount.
Drag the notes and coins into the box to make up the correct change.
Mr Smith puts a bet on a horse race at the TAB for $11. He gives you $20.00.
How much change should he receive?
Drag the notes and coins into the box to make up the correct change.
A patron spends $24.50 on Keno. He gives you $50.00.
How much change will you give the patron?

Opening a Shift

Choose the correct answer.
At the closing of a shift, the float should be the same amount as it was at the opening of the shift.
Procedures for opening a shift may vary from establishment to establishment.
A standard float is the same in every workplace.
The quantity of notes and coins needed in a cash float varies between workplaces.
A float is a set amount of money made up of a range of denominations of coins and notes.
The following equation to work out the amount of notes is correct.
Amount = Notes x Coins
The following equation to work out the amount for coins is correct.
Amount = Coins x Number

Balancing the Register

Drag and drop to complete the procedure for balancing a register.
Remove all cash and non-cash transactions from the register/terminal
Separate the float from the rest of the cash in the register
Count the cash and calculate the non-cash receipts accurately
Record the store takings on to a counting sheet
Check the balance between the register and calculated sum that you recorded (These should match up)
Step 1:
Remove all cash and non-cash transactions from the register/terminal
Step 2:
Separate the float from the rest of the cash in the register
Step 3:
Count the cash and calculate the non-cash receipts accurately
Step 4:
Record the store takings on to a counting sheet
Step 5:
Check the balance between the register and calculated sum that you recorded (These should match up)
At the end of your shift you need to count the cash, calculate the non-cash receipts, and record the takings on to a counting sheet. Calculate the day's takings and type in your answers.
Coins Notes Non-cash Documents
  Number Amount   Number Amount Credit Card Receipts Debit Receipts Vouchers
5c 20 $1 $5 15 $75 $48 $44 $150
10c 50
$10 7
$110 $20 $200
20c 30 $6 $20 11 $400 $252 $35  
50c 10
$50 8
$1 8
$100 4
$2 15
      Total Credit Card: Total Debit: Total Vouchers:
Total Coins
Total Notes $1165
Total Cash $1220
Total Non-cash
Total Cash and Non-cach